Today one of our gas engineers conducted a Powerf Flush and installed a magna clean professional 2.
What we do during a Power Flush?
Power flushing equipment is connectetd to your central heating system and internally cleans the whole heating system without the need to take off all the radiators.
Powerfull Chemicals are added to the system water wich works on mobilising the sludge and rust.a powerfull rare earth magnet is also connected to trap rust particles. Flushing water through individual radiators and giving attention to cold spots the sludge is loosened. The sludge flows from radiators and is collected at our magnet filter.
All the heating system and pipe work are power flushed until water samples are clean ph and tds levels taken until we are asw near neutral to tap water as possible.
A corrosion inhibitor is added to the clean water,sometimes through the pump, radiators are balanced and finally we issue you a Powerflushing certificate.
Our qualified Home Energy Inspectors are licensed to undertake domestic surveys in accordance with legislation and produce the report in both electronic and paper forms.